Monday, November 26, 2007

I don't know

So my Chiefs lost yesterday, that's not good. Today is real rainy and cold outside, which makes it a perfect napping day, though i doubt i will get a nap in. I should be working out right now, but have absolutely no motivation to do so and also have some HW to do. All this sucks for me, but the good news that there is a possibility i might get my Xbox 360 back today, if I can be at my apt. at the designated time frame they gave me, which means I can recieve my xbox specifically between 9 am and 7 pm, if only I had absolutely nothing to do for the whole day, way to be specific on the times UPS. I hope my room mate decides to be worthless and doesn't leave the apartment today, maybe then he can get it and i can play it.

Now that my angry rant is done i might ramble on for a bit. Meh, i guess not, not much else to say for now. I'm gonna go eat or something.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

it's been a while

As excited as i was to get this blog, i've successfully neglected it for quite a while. But the neglect hasn't been without reason. I've been on Thanksgiving break and my parents just built a new house, and that's where i went. There has been continous work on the house as we live in it and there is probably at least a weeks worth of work to go. On top of that we hosted our family and friends for thanksgiving dinner/lunch/all day feast, so that was crazy. This Post will mainly discuss the events that happened to me last night.

My cousins and i decided to go to the MU/KU game...MIZ-ZOU!! Oh well, we thought we should just by some tickets when we got there. All the tickets we found were goin way upwards of $100 a piece, which was a little out of the price range of college students. A normal looking guy came up to us and offered two tickets at $45 a piece, what a deal. Anyways, that low price wasn't without reason. Shortly after we took our seats, a couple in the mid 30's showed up and sat next to us. The lady, who appeared a little liqoured up, attacked my cousin and ripped his ticket. He was also a lil under the influence, so he responded with more hostility. Me being uncharicateristcly level-headed asked the husband/guy what was going on. He said the the tickets we had were stolen from his friends, which is why we got them for such a low price. After that situation worked out everyone was cool, the couple who had the tickets stolen showed up, apparently they talked to security, told them the situation and security let them in. They ended up being real cool too, so it was us 6 people crammed into a space for 4 people. They were MU fans and so am I, and we were the only ones in the immediate area, so I think that worked in our favor. If they were KU fans it would have been a different situation. Us 6 MU fans continued to heckle all the KU fans around us, and a couple fights almost broke out, but nothing to serious.

After that situation my dad told me I could get into a suite for th second half, where was that for the beginning of the game? So i watched the remainder of the MU victory in extreme comfort. It was an overall awkward situation that turned out pretty awesome, the worse case scenario would have been for MU to lose, but that didn't happen, I didn't get hurt or go to jail, and ya, life is good. Now if only my Chiefs can pull out a victory over the much hated and horrible Raiders(Chad Stevens if you read this, you're gay just like your team).

Thursday, November 15, 2007


As this title suggests, this is the first blog post I've ever done. It's required for my MIS class, but I'm still kinda excited that I have a blog. I put these pics up cause i couldn't get pics on my profile deally. I'll write more later, cause i'm excited to actually have one of these blog thingys. Dr. Karrupan, i'm sorry for creating this post during your class. This is fun.