Thursday, December 13, 2007

FINAL!!! F!!

I'm about to do my last final...let me tell ya, i love school and tests and stuff, i wish i had more. the good news is i get to go out and spend some money, because i sold my books and have nothing to do tomorrow, so I see tonight gettin a little crazy. The sucky thing is that the books that i bought cost me about $500 to buy and i got back around $161 yippee. That's about $50 goin towards booze and stuff. Oh, well, winter break starts tomorrow and i get to go home and lounge at my new house and get fat off my mom's cooking and drinking beer with my dad. I can't wait to go home and not worry about stuff for a while. I'm sure i'll be ready to come back to school after my parents start yelling at me and stuff...oh well, life is good.

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